Dynamic Health Physiotherapy

OCTOBER 26, 2016


We all make excuses…we all have reasons for putting things off, especially when it comes to doing something new. As a physiotherapist, I’ve heard many possible reason why people wait SO long to take action and seek treatment for their injuries. Let me tell you right now, once you make the decision to do something about it, you’ll be wondering why you waited so long!

So, just in case you fall into any of these categories….here’s a list of the top 7 excuses I hear on a regular basis as to why you aren’t coming to physiotherapy for the help you need.

1. "I don't have the time"

So, just in case you fall into any of these categories….here’s a list of the top 7 excuses I hear on a regular basis as to why you aren’t coming to physiotherapy for the help you need.

2. "It will get better on it's own"

We are all hopeful that this one comes true. The problem is that often the pain or stiffness doesn’t go away and even gets worse! Injuries can become chronic and harder to treat. They can also cause injury to other areas of the body as you compensate for stiff or sore joints and muscles. My advice is to save some grief and get yourself assessed early. This can really speed up recovery times!

3. "I don't want to commit when I'm not sure it will help"

If you haven’t been to physiotherapy before or you didn’t have a great experience in the past, you may be wondering if it’s worth going for an assessment in the first place. Our solution to this issue is our free info session. In these sessions you will learn your initial diagnosis and a typical treatment plan that would be used. This gives you the chance to make an informed decision before committing to treatment. Space is limited for these sessions so check with us right away if you’d like to learn how we can help.

4. "I have to get a referral from my doctor"

Getting a referral can seem like a daunting task. You have to make an appointment with your GP, wait for this appointment, hope they give you the referral you asked for, book a PT appointment, then FINALLY see a physiotherapist. Well here’s some great news!!! You don’t need a referral to see a physiotherapist! While some insurers may require it, typically you are covered for physiotherapy even without a referral from you doctor.

5. "It's going to hurt too much"

I won’t lie…sometimes it can be uncomfortable during a physiotherapy session. That being said, each exercise or movement is chosen to maximize your ability to move with less pain and stiffness by the end of your treatment plan. While some things may cause discomfort, you should always be able to talk to your physiotherapist and come up with a treatment plan that is best suited and tolerable to you.

6. "I don't really know who to ask about my injury"

Often people are just unsure who to turn to about a specific injury. There are many options available to you, and that can make it confusing when you are trying to make a decision. While you can always consult your doctor, I strongly recommend talking to your physiotherapist when dealing with pain, stiffness and mobility issues. Physiotherapists are highly trained and skilled at treating most injuries to the body, including those involving: muscles, ligaments and tendons, joints, bones and nerves.

7. "It's just old age"

Many people today attribute their aches and pains to the natural aging process. While it’s true that we may be more susceptible to wear and tear as we age, many of the issues I see on a daily basis are caused by poor movement patterns and muscle imbalances that can be corrected with a combination of proper stretching, strengthening and hands on therapy. . Talk to a trained physiotherapist to see how you can combat the aches, pains and stiffness that are often attributed to ‘old age’.

So if you’ve been using one of these excuses for putting off dealing with that nagging injury…don’t let it hold you back any longer from getting out, being active, and doing the things you love! Take action right now! You’ll be happy you did.

Source: https://www.google.ca/_/chrome/newtab?espv=2&ie=UTF-8

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