Dynamic Health Physiotherapy


Hip Pain: Why Exercise is Often the Best Medicine

If you’re experiencing hip pain, you might be asking yourself if it’s better to rest and avoid any physical activity or is better to exercise, stretch and keep active. In today’s article we’ll discuss how, in many cases, exercise can actually be the best medicine. We’ll discuss the benefits of exercising with hip pain, provide some tips on how to do it safely, and clarify when it’s better to wait and rest with hip pain.


When you experience hip pain, your instinct might be to rest the area and just let it heal. This was actually common practice for many years, with everyday injuries and especially after surgery. More recently, the debate between rest and movement has shifted significantly. Now it is typically thought that even though rest might provide temporary relief while you are sitting still, it can actually do more harm than good in the long run. Resting for an extended period can lead to muscle weakness and joint stiffness, which can exacerbate your hip pain and make it harder to perform daily activities. 

Exercise, on the other hand, can help to strengthen the muscles surrounding your hip joint and improve your range of motion. This can reduce hip pain and help you return to your normal activities faster.


The type of exercise that’s best for you will depend on the cause of your hip pain. In general, though, low-impact exercises are the best choice. These are exercises that put less stress on your joints and muscles, making them less likely to cause further damage. 

Walking, swimming, and cycling are all good options for people with hip pain. These exercises can help to improve your cardiovascular health while also strengthening your hip muscles. 

Other types of exercise that can be helpful include yoga, Pilates, and water aerobics. These exercises focus on improving your flexibility, balance, and strength, all of which can be helpful in reducing hip pain. 

Talk to your physiotherapist about adding specific hip-strengthening exercises to your exercise routine. A thorough assessment is necessary for proper exercise prescription. Choosing the right hip strengthening exercises for your particular hip injury is important to reduce the risk of flare-ups.


If you’re experiencing hip pain, it’s important to be careful when starting an exercise program. Here are some tips for exercising safely: 

  1. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist before starting any new exercise program. 

  2. Start with low-impact exercises and gradually increase the intensity as you become stronger. 

  3. Listen to your body and stop exercising if you experience pain. 

  4. Wear appropriate footwear and use any assistive devices recommended by your doctor or physiotherapist. 

  5. Warm up before exercising and stretch regularly to reduce the risk of injury.


Hip pain can be debilitating, but resting isn’t always the answer. In many cases, exercise can be the best medicine. If you’re experiencing hip pain, talk to your physiotherapist in Fredericton about starting an exercise program today. With the right exercises and precautions, you can reduce your pain and return to your normal activities faster. 

We have free physiotherapy discovery visits, where you can speak to a member of our team, ask any questions that you have, and find out what’s stopping you from finally getting some relief.  

We can also help you understand how to get your hip and lower body stronger and healthier than ever, so you are able to make the most of your day, stay active with friends and family rather than feeling stiff and sore, and even sleep better once the pain or stiffness in your hip isn’t keeping you from sleeping in your favourite position anymore.   

Alternatively, you can always call us at 506-404-1565 if you prefer to talk over the telephone. 

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